BRSR - ESG KPI's by Industry

BRSR reporting requires tracking comprehensive performance data across environmental, social and governance parameters. While some metrics like emissions and energy usage are common, many key indicators vary significantly by industry.To effectively benchmark and disclose your BRSR performance, it is crucial to identify industry-specific BRSR KPIs beyond generic metrics. Download your customized BRSR KPI checklist by industry to optimize data collection and drive more meaningful sustainability improvements.


ESG in energy refers to environmental, social, and governance factors that can impact the energy sector. This includes everything from a company's emissions to its treatment of workers.


1. Strategy for waste management plan1. Actions taken to mitigate any negative social impacts1. Details of public policy positions advocated by the entity.
2. business continuity and disaster management plan2. CSR projects undertaken2. Compliance with statutory requirements
3. Specific ESG commitments, goals and targets set3. Preferential procurement policy.3. Details of beneficiaries of CSR Projects.
4. Total Scope 3 emissions4. Social Impact Assessments (SIA)4. Cyber security and risks related to data privacy


Manufacturing giants are retooling. ESG principles weave through production lines, minimizing waste, optimizing energy, and empowering diverse workforces. It's not just eco-chic, it's smart: reducing environmental impact cuts costs, attracts conscious consumers, and bolsters brand reputation. This green revolution is reshaping the industry, one sustainable bolt at a time.


1. Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) for its products /services1. Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R)1. Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken.
2. % of energy in kwh from combined heat and power generation2. Details of training given to employees and workers.2. assessment of value chain partners.
3. environmental law/ regulations/ guidelines followed3. Accessibility of workplaces.3. Management of material topics
4. Percentage of recycled or reused input material to total material4. Health and safety management system.4. Tax governance, control, and risk management

Commercial & professional services

Commercial & professional services are ditching paper piles for digital efficiency, fostering diverse talent pipelines, and advising clients on ESG best practices. Think green audits for investors, carbon-neutral marketing campaigns, and ethical HR policies. It's not just window dressing, it's savvy: attracting responsible clients, boosting employee engagement, and future-proofing businesses for a changing world. This ethical evolution is reshaping the sector, one responsible handshake at a time.


1. break-up of the total energy consumed from renewable and non-renewable sources1. Male/Female Board Members.1. Contributions to political parties as %of revenues.
2. GHG emissions2. Details of remuneration/salary/wages2. Describe the processes for identifying key stakeholder groups of the entity.
3. environmental impact assessments of projects undertaken3. Risk - Past 3yr Security Breaches3. Stakeholder Consultation on Envioronmental and social topics
4. Water withdrawal, consumption and discharge in areas of water stress4. Full-Time Male Employees4. Preferential procurement policy.


From buzzing city scooters to sleek electric buses, the streets are humming with a new energy. Governments incentivize green fleets, charging infrastructure sprouts like urban gardens, and long-haul routes explore hydrogen fuel cell possibilities. Roads become intelligent, sensing traffic flows and adjusting signals in real-time to minimize congestion and emissions. Public transport expands, offering affordable and accessible alternatives to private cars.


1. Business continuity and disaster management plan1. CSR projects undertaken1. Compliance with statutory requirements
2. Percentage of recycled or reused input material to total material2. Health and safety management system.2. Tax governance, control, and risk management
3. environmental impact assessments of projects undertaken3. Risk - Past 3yr Security Breaches3. Stakeholder Consultation on Envioronmental and social topics
4. break-up of the total energy consumed from renewable and non-renewable sources4. Male/Female Board Members.4. Contributions to political parties as %of revenues.

Consumer Goods

Products whisper their eco-story: recycled packaging, ethically sourced materials, and carbon-neutral manufacturing processes. Circular economy principles take center stage, with repair, reuse, and recycling replacing the "take-make-discard" model. Transparency reigns supreme – brands disclose every step of the production journey, empowering consumers to make informed choices. Food waste finds new life through composting and biogas production.


1. Strategy for waste management plan1. Actions taken to mitigate any negative social impacts1. Details of public policy positions advocated by the entity.
2. business continuity and disaster management plan2. CSR projects undertaken2. Compliance with statutory requirements
3. Specific ESG commitments, goals and targets set3. Preferential procurement policy.3. Details of beneficiaries of CSR Projects.
4. Total Scope 3 emissions4. Social Impact Assessments (SIA)4. Cyber security and risks related to data privacy


Luxurious hotels minimize their footprint, from sourcing local ingredients to utilizing rainwater harvesting systems. Travelers seek immersive experiences that minimize environmental impact and support local communities. Cultural preservation becomes a priority, as hotels partner with indigenous groups to share their stories and traditions. Hotels employ and train local staff, contributing to economic development and cultural exchange. Hospitality becomes a tool for positive social change.


1. break-up of the total energy consumed from renewable and non-renewable sources1. Male/Female Board Members.1. Contributions to political parties as %of revenues.
2. GHG emissions2. Details of remuneration/salary/wages2. Describe the processes for identifying key stakeholder groups of the entity.
3. environmental impact assessments of projects undertaken3. Risk - Past 3yr Security Breaches3. Stakeholder Consultation on Envioronmental and social topics
4. Water withdrawal, consumption and discharge in areas of water stress4. Full-Time Male Employees4. Preferential procurement policy.


Profits meet purpose as financial giants channel capital towards clean energy technologies, sustainable infrastructure projects, and social impact initiatives. ESG metrics become the new gold standard, guiding investment decisions with a long-term view. Innovative cleantech startups receive vital funding and mentorship, accelerating their journey towards commercialization. Traditional industries embrace ESG best practices, improving operational efficiency, reducing environmental impact, and attracting conscious investors.


1. Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) for its products /services1. Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R)1. Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken.
2. % of energy in kwh from combined heat and power generation2. Details of training given to employees and workers.2. assessment of value chain partners.
3. environmental law/ regulations/ guidelines followed3. Accessibility of workplaces.3. Management of material topics
4. Percentage of recycled or reused input material to total material4. Health and safety management system.4. Tax governance, control, and risk management


Eco-friendly materials replace chemical-heavy processes in labs, minimizing waste and resource usage. Solar panels adorn rooftops, and renewable energy powers research facilities. Diverse clinical trial participants ensure that new drugs represent the populations they're meant to serve. Informed consent and community engagement become cornerstones of research. Pharmaceutical giants join forces with environmental organizations to combat climate change's impact on health.


1. business continuity and disaster management plan1. CSR projects undertaken1. Compliance with statutory requirements
2. Percentage of recycled or reused input material to total material2. Health and safety management system.2. Tax governance, control, and risk management
3. environmental impact assessments of projects undertaken3. Risk - Past 3yr Security Breaches3. Stakeholder Consultation on Envioronmental and social topics
4. break-up of the total energy consumed from renewable and non-renewable sources4. Male/Female Board Members.4. Contributions to political parties as %of revenues.


Suits shed spreadsheets for sustainability in BFSI. Green bonds sprout like investments in renewables, responsible loans nurture eco-friendly ventures, and financial literacy empowers communities. It's not just ethical virtue, it's smart business: attracting conscious investors, securing long-term stability, and paving the way for a green financial future. This greening revolution reshapes banking, one responsible handshake at a time.


1. Strategy for waste management plan1. Actions taken to mitigate any negative social impacts1. Details of public policy positions advocated by the entity.
2. business continuity and disaster management plan2. CSR projects undertaken2. Compliance with statutory requirements
3. Specific ESG commitments, goals and targets set3. Preferential procurement policy.3. Details of beneficiaries of CSR Projects.
4. Total Scope 3 emissions4. Social Impact Assessments (SIA)4. Cyber security and risks related to data privacy

Real Estate

Buildings breathe with natural light and ventilation, thanks to biophilic design principles. Recycled materials rise from the ground, while rooftops transform into solar farms and urban gardens. Green roofs collect rainwater for irrigation, contributing to resilient cities. Smart sensors optimize energy consumption, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Walkable neighborhoods connect residents to green spaces and local amenities.


1. Environmental law/ regulations/ guidelines followed1. Accessibility of workplaces.1. Management of material topics
2. GHG emissions2. Details of remuneration/salary/wages2. Describe the processes for identifying key stakeholder groups of the entity.
3. environmental impact assessments of projects undertaken3. Risk - Past 3yr Security Breaches3. Stakeholder Consultation on Envioronmental and social topics
4. Water withdrawal, consumption and discharge in areas of water stress4. Full-Time Male Employees4. Preferential procurement policy.

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